COVID-19 Quo Vadis?
(Originally published in LinkedIn on March 29, 2020) #Covid19 I am writing this from home as I get used to life within four walls. Occasionally, I pull myself, to go out for a walk or a run to keep myself sane. Life has changed dramatically, with "Social distancing" as the only possible cure for COVID -19, the novel Corona virus. Social distancing to "Flatten the curve" is not new and was the method that worked during the 1918 Spanish flu (Spain had nothing to do with this pandemic and have been stigmatised unfortunately). Is this change in our personal and social life temporary or permanent? Is this just the beginning of the change, this pandemic is introducing in our life, threatening to make it more lasting. In his much acclaimed book "Homo Deus", Yuval Noah Harari writes "Over the past century, humankind has managed to do the impossible and rein in famine, plague and war. Today, more people die from obesity than from starvation; more people d...