10 Rules of Sam Walton
A nice article in today's Economic Times - Corporate Dossier that I thought should share it with you. Sam Walton, founder of Wal - Mart and the most successful businessman in the world, (a retired Army officer to founder of the richest organisation in the world) reportedly followed a set of rules to which he has credited his success not only in his business but also his life. Rule #1: COMMIT to achieving success and always be passionate. Rule #2: SHARE your success with those who have helped you. Rule #3: MOTIVATE yourself and others to achieve your dreams. Rule #4: COMMUNICATE with people and show you care. Rule #5: APPRECIATE and recognise people for their effort and results. Rule #6: CELEBRATE your own and others accomplishments. Rule#7: LISTEN to others and learn from their ideas. Rule#8: EXCEED the expectations of others by setting high standards. Rule#9: CONTROL your expenses and save your way to prosperity. Rule#10: SWIM UPSTREAM, be different, and challenge the status quo....